Natal Charts
A Natal Chart is a cosmic map of the placement of all the planets and their journey around the Sun at the time of your birth. It holds the key to your unique life path and personality.
Predictive Work
Predictive astrology encompasses a range of different ways of looking at the future and also finding meaning in the past. A predictive section is included with every consultation.
Personal Reports
Magenta is renowned for her reports and chart interpretations, which are written exclusively for each individual's unique astrological nuances.
Meet Magenta
I have been fascinated by astrology since I was 9 years old. A family friend, who was learning astrology, worked out that I have Sagittarius rising, and explained that it was no surprise that I was crazy about horses, given that this is the case.
And that was it, I was captivated. I began to learn about astrology with Brian Clark at Astro*Synthesis in Melbourne in 1988 and I qualified as an astrologer in 2000 after 3 further years of study with internationally-renowned astrologer Bernadette Brady.
I've been providing face to face consultations since 2002. Until quite recently, these took place at my kitchen table (and some still do, for those who live in Adelaide). Thanks to Zoom becoming a part of all of our lives over the past couple of years, I can now connect with people all over Australia and beyond.
What's included in a reading?
A reading includes an exploration of the birth chart as well as a predictive section, which looks at what is happening now and in the not too distant future.
My preparation starts as soon as you provide your time, date and place of birth. I see my strength as my ability to explain what we are looking at in a clear and colourful way, without using complicated astrology jargon or vague generalisations. I love meeting new people, exploring their stories, and introducing them to the fascinating world of astrology.
What can an Astrologer do?
The natal chart (or birth chart, or horoscope) is a diagram of heaven as it appeared at the time of your birth. An astrologer is someone who has learned to interpret this map in order to explain the specific behaviours and characteristics associated with each of the planets, as well as the Sun and the Moon in accordance with their location and their relationship to each other. A consultation with an astrologer will help you find out about your chart, your past, present and future. Transit interpretation is a forecasting technique based on the actual positions of the planets in the current sky in relation to the planets in your natal chart. Looking at transits can help us clarify important issues in our lives. Some transits present us with challenges, others with opportunities. Working consciously with our transits allows us to recognise that we have options, and this, in turn, empowers us; we become less limited by our circumstances. Understanding the purpose of a transit can help us use the energy in a positive way.
What are the benefits of a consultation?
- Provide clarification of life issues, including relationships, vocation etc.
ï‚·- Enhance your understanding of the past
ï‚·- Increase self-knowledge
ï‚·- Facilitate effective decision making
- Kickstart a positive approach to your future
ï‚·- Help you achieve your potential
What do I need for my reading?
An accurate birth time is essential for the construction of an accurate birth chart. Some countries record the time of birth on your birth certificate (well done, Scotland), but many don't, including most states in Australia. If you can't ask your mother, or she doesn't remember, and you can't find your baby book, call the hospital you were born in and ask for the records department. Often they will provide this information, although you might be asked to make a written request under Freedom of Information. They may charge a small fee.
You need around 90 minutes of uninterrupted time. You also need a laptop or desktop computer if we're going to meet via Zoom (video conferencing software). I'll be sharing your chart to your screen, so it needs to be bigger than your phone. You'll need to have Zoom downloaded onto your computer before the reading begins. The free version will be fine.
After we're done, I'll send you a natal chart report and a transit report, around 25 to 30 pages each. Please note these reports are not simply computer-generated information, lifted from the internet, or provided with a software program. I will have created them especially for you, in preparation for our meeting, from material I've been working on for 20 years.
I expect you will find them interesting, enlightening, and a helpful tool to help you navigate the months and years ahead.
A 90 minute consultation, including natal and predictive work, is $190 AUD. Subsequent consultations $120 AUD until 31 December 2024.